GR+ Live: Tell us how to play Heavy Rain on PS4

The last time GR+ Live played a Quantic Dream game, we felt things. We felt them all over the place. We felt things so hard that we ruined the worst high school party of all time. Now we’re ready to feel things all over again with a live session of Heavy Rain, newly released on PlayStation 4. Want to tell us how to play? Help us cut off our own hand? Yell Jason a lot? Join us at 4:30PM ET/1:30PM PT/9:30PM GMT to join in.

Dig the show? We air twice a week, so make sure to follow our Twitch channel! When are we live? Here’s our schedule:

Tuesday 4:30PM – 6PM ET/1:30PM – 3PM PT GamesRadar+ joins fascinating folks from every walk of life, playing their favorite games and other treasures from the history of gaming. This is you chance to chat with creators from the world of music, film, comics, and everything else under the sun.

Thursday 4:30PM – 6PM ET/1:30PM – 3PM PT Arthur C. Clarke said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Maybe that’s why video games seem so remarkable. We meet with the creators of the best games to demystify the process.

About Fox

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