Why are Destiny 2 servers down this time? Scheduled maintenance on both Destiny 2 and Destiny 1 has been extended ahead of the latest weekly reset, which will kick off the summer Solstice event in Destiny 2.
As the Bungie Help Twitter (opens in new tab) announced earlier today, Destiny 2 update 4.1.5 is rolling out this afternoon. The maintenance attached to this update was originally expected to conclude by 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm BT, but it’s now been extended by two hours. Bungie’s currently targeting 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm BT but that’s subject to change.
If you try to hop online now, you’ll either run into a connection wall or the usual launch day error message that says Destiny 2 is temporarily at capacity. Spoilers: it’s not at capacity, it’s just down, and sadly there’s nothing you or I can do about that.
While you wait, you can read through the full patch notes (opens in new tab) for update 4.1.5, which includes significant balance changes coming with the newly unveiled Destiny 2 summer Solstice 2022 event. Multiple weapon archetypes, most notably 180 and 150 RPM scout rifles, have gotten some buffs, and all primary weapons have had their base airborne effectiveness increased to reduce the impact of the new mid-air training wheels.
Today’s update will also improve the loot pool for this season’s Duality dungeon. Players have been struggling to get craftable Deepsight versions of the dungeon’s weapons to drop, so update 4.1.5 has skewed drops toward weapons that have not had their Patterns unlocked and increased the odds of them dropping with Deepsight Resonance. Oh, and one more bit of good news: splash damage won’t trigger the dungeon’s bells anymore, so you should accidentally wipe your entire team much less frequently going forward.
PlayStation has officially acquired Bungie, and both companies maintain that Destiny 2 will remain multiplatform going forward.