Tag Archives: GameCube

6 games that do death differently

In games, nothing can be said to be certain except death and well, mostly that. Death as a consequence of failure has been a part of games since the days of Spacewar!, and what came after has stayed pretty much the same: a Game Over screen, a Continue? prompt (maybe …

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7 incredible scenes that got cut from your favorite games

Left on the cutting room floor You’ve finally done it. You’ve written your 1200-page game bible, describing all 150 painstakingly detailed levels, 20 different boss fights, and an overarching plot that spans generations. Now comes the part where you actually, y’know, make it. You’ve got two years to do so, …

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GR+ Live: Meet the creator of Shadow Complex Remastered

Everything’s changed in the seven years since Shadow Complex first hit Xbox 360. Metroidvania games, once an endangered species, are now plentiful. Nolan North was still only in about half of all games rather than pretty much all of them. And everyone thought Shadow Complex was just the beginning of …

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GR+ Live: Meet the makers of Salt & Sanctuary for PS4

Long before people even used the phrase “indie game,” Ska Studios was pumping out unusual, artful, deeply awesome independently developed games. While they gained their biggest following thanks to Xbox 360 games like The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai and Charlie Murder, they’ve been pumping out something new almost every year since …

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GR+ Live: Tell us how to play Heavy Rain on PS4

The last time GR+ Live played a Quantic Dream game, we felt things. We felt them all over the place. We felt things so hard that we ruined the worst high school party of all time. Now we’re ready to feel things all over again with a live session of …

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GR+ Live: Watch us conquer the Wii Us most unlikely exclusive

Devil’s Third shouldn’t exist. Six years in development, bounced between three publishers, and shifting between four different engines in the process, the first game from notorious developer Tomonobu Itagaki since Ninja Gaiden 2 finally came to Nintendo Wii U this past week. Was it worth the wait? That’s a complicated …

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Why I Love: Metal Gear Solids cardboard box

Metal Gear Solid is very serious business, except for when it’s not. The series has deftly straddled the line between the solemn and the goofy, the mundane and the fantastical, ever since its inception in 1987. I can’t think of too many games that can feature a scene requiring you …

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