Watch Dogs 2 (opens in new tab) is a game about hackers. Major League Hacking is an organization that puts on and promotes a series of hackathon competitions. Combining the two just makes sense, and so that’s exactly what Ubisoft has done. At each MLH-sponsored hackathon this season, the team of programmers that creates the best project within the competition’s guidelines will win a copy of Watch Dogs 2 for each team member.
According to MLH (opens in new tab), the challenge will be to “design a project to demonstrate just how easy data privacy can be compromised on real-life smart devices.” There will also be a capture-the-flag-inspired competition at each hackathon, and the person with the fastest time will also win a copy of the game, plus a trip to meet the devs.
You can learn more about the competitions and find the one closest to you by checking out the MLH schedule (opens in new tab).
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