Speeding up your reputation grind in Destiny: Rise of Iron (opens in new tab) won’t be limited to donning the proper class armor. Granted, your Titan’s stylish hand towel could still help impress the Powers That Be, but you may also want to invest in the Reputation Boosters for sale at the Eververse Trading Company.
As reported by GameSpot (opens in new tab), boosters for the Vanguard, Crucible, and House of Judgement (the Prison of Elders faction) will be added to the game along with Rise of Iron. You can grab a pack of three for any given faction for 100 Silver – roughly equivalent to $1, depending on whether you buy in bulk – and use it to boost the reputation gains for you and your fireteam for 2 hours. The boosters will also drop from Sterling Treasures and Rise of Iron’s new Radiant Treasures, both of which can be earned in game or purchased from Eververse.
If you prefer to save your Silver for more tangible rewards, Rise of Iron will also introduce a bunch of new emotes like “Trotting Dance” and “Wiggly Leg Dance”. So odd to think that this time last year the only thing your Guardian could do when you pressed left on the D-Pad was point at things…
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