There’s a lot of strong Pokemon, but what are the best Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield? The definition of “best” will always be subjective so we’ve gone for the strongest Pokemon Sword and Shield (opens in new tab) Pokemon, the ones that are must-haves if you want to dominate your opponents. Here are the top 10 best Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokemon.
10. Hydreigon
Type: Dark / Dragon
Location: Sword Exclusive. Available by evolving from Deino, which is found in the Lake of Outrage in the Wild Area.
In at number 10 on our list is Hydreigon, the third and final evolved form of Deino. A Dark / Dragon Type Pokemon, Hydreigon is all about having a very high Special Attack stat, combined with a generally high base stat pool. That means he’s quite the threat in battle, especially with its Dark Type able to take on any Pokemon – even Ghost Types.
9. Diggersby
Type: Ground / Normal
Location: Giant’s Cap, Axew’s Eye, and Giant’s Seat regions of the Wild Area
Diggersby may not sound that impressive on paper, but it has quite the hidden talent in its Ability – Huge Power. This doubles its attack, and because it’s a normal type, you can make sure it can use a range of attacks for the most powerful bunny you’ve ever seen.
8. Excadrill
Type: Ground / Steel
Location: Lake of Outrage and Giant’s Mirror regions of the Wild Area
Excadrill’s high Attack stat makes it one formidable foe, but also thanks to its Ground / Steel Type it’s very effective against the notoriously complicated Fairy Type. Its attacks, Earthquake and Iron Head, can regularly one-hit-KO opponents in battle.
7. Galarian Darmanitan
Type: Ice or Ice / Fire in Zen Mode
Location: Sword exclusive. Evolves from Darumaka (available on Route 8, Route 10) with an Ice Stone.
Not just on this list because he looks like the Abominable Snowman from Monster Inc, but Galarian Darmanitan is actually a powerful party member. Its Hidden Ability, Zen Mode, brings its Attack stat up to 160, and gives it access to Fire and Ice Type moves.
6. Conkeldurr
Type: Fighting
Location: Evolves from Gurdurr, which is available on Route 8 and the Stony Wilderness region of the Wild Area.
With a base Attack stat of 140, Conkeldurr is quite the unstoppable foe. That’s especially true when you look at its Ability, Sheer Force, which removes secondary effects from incoming attacks, and increases its damage by 30%.
5. Tyranitar
Type: Rock / Dark
Location: Shield exclusive. Evolves from Pupitar, which is available at the Lake of Outrage in the Wild Area.
Tyranitar is one of the best Pokemon of all time, simply because its base stats are always incredibly high. Moves like Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Crunch and Earthquake are always going to be hard hitters too, making it an enviable addition to your party.
4. Rillaboom
Type: Grass
Location: Final Evolution of Starter Pokemon Grookey
A brilliant Pokemon Sword and Shield Starter Evolution, Rillaboom might not be the fastest Pokemon but he’s a tank. Drum Beating, one of its special moves, has 80 Power but also lowers the opponents’ speed, and strong base stats makes it one to watch.
3. Cinderace
Type: Fire
Location: Final evolution of Starter Pokemon Scorbunny
Scorbunny also stands out as a final Starter Evolution in Pokemon Sword and Shield, as it has decent Attack with high Speed, making sure it can always attack first. It also has a brilliant unique move, Pyro Burn, which has 120 Power and 90 Accuracy that can also burn the target.
2. Gyarados
Type: Water / Flying
Location: Route 2, and the Dusty Bowl and Giant’s Cap regions of the Wild Area
Like Tyranitar, Gyarados is famed for always being one of the most powerful Pokemon of all time – especially considering its humble, splashy beginnings. It comes with an Attack stat of 125 and can use Dragon Dance, which is incredible.
1. Dragapult
Type: Dragon / Ghost
Location: Evolves from Drakloak at Lv. 60. Drakloak is found in the Lake of Outrage region of the Wild Area.
Dragapult is currently the most powerful in the Pokedex, making it hard to not recommend for the best Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It boasts 142 Speed stat and 120 Attack stat, which when combined with is movepool makes it an incredible force.
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