Japan. Lovely, lovely Japan. How we can’t wait for your sweet gaming treats to flutter from the heavens, to touch our shoulder and fall to our feet, like the moment after a cherry blossom reaches full bloom. Oh, oh Japan.
All of this is to say, the Tokyo Game Show’s happening this week, and we’re basically running on a skeleton crew. Yay. The Wii U gets its due, Borderlands does 2, and there may also be a taming of the shrew. That last bit, as well as everything that came before it, was nonsensical. My bad.
This Week’s Hosts: Sophia Tong, Sterling McGarvey, Lorenzo Veloria, and Tom Magrino
The Deets
Post date: September 19, 2012
Intro song by: Danny Baranowsky
The Question of the Week: Which Western game would have been better as a JRPG? (The top answer gets Sony’s Pulse wireless headset!)
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