Fortnite farm clues are needed to try and work out what’s happened to Farmer Steel, as he’s recently disappeared and his cousin is starting to worry about him. You’ll need to search the farm for clues to clear the first legendary part of the Fortnite Week 4 quests, though thankfully these hints are all pretty close together so you won’t have to travel far once you know where to look. There have been strange things happening in Fortnite since the alien invasion, but could it be possible that they’ve taken Farmer Steel? You’ll need to search the Fortnite farm clues locations listed here to work that out.
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Fortnite Farm Clues locations
To get up and running on the legendary quest to find Fortnite farm clues, you need to make your way to the Steel Farm landmark. You’ll find this slightly northeast of Corny Complex, just over the other side of the small river.
When you arrive at Steel Farm, there are four Fortnite farm clues available to collect, although you only need to interact with two of them to complete this legendary quest. They look like hovering magnifying glasses, and we’ve marked all four of the Fortnite farm clues locations on the map above. If you’d prefer a visual aid, then below we also have an image of where to find each clue.
Fortnite Farm Clues 1
The first of the Fortnite farm clues is in the more southern of the two corn fields, directly behind the red tractor.
Fortnite Farm Clues 2
You’ll find the second of the Fortnite farm clues just to the north of the farmhouse, nestled between the trees there.
Fortnite Farm Clues 3
The third of the Fortnite farm clues is directly north of the farmhouse, on the opposite side of the river by a stack of tree trunks.
Fortnite Farm Clues 4
You’ll discover the fourth and final of the Fortnite farm clues next to the small wooden bridge leading to Corny Complex, next to a group of rocks.
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