The Batman v Superman (opens in new tab) Ultimate Edition hit digital shelves this week, delivering on Zack Snyder’s promise (opens in new tab) of an R-rated, 30 minute extended version that includes a bunch of characters (opens in new tab) axed from the theatrical cut. It also comes with a fresh piece of concept art (opens in new tab) for the follow-up Justice League (opens in new tab), featuring the five leading members of the team striking some serious poses:
From what we can see here, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman’s outfits appear to be somewhat similar to what they wore in Dawn of Justice. It’s hard to pick out any additional details, especially as this is a rough concept piece, however previous reports have signalled that all three will receive modifications.
Onto the newbies! Both The Flash and Cyborg had brief blink-and-you’ll-miss-’em cameos in Dawn of Justice, which meant that their costumes were difficult to get a proper good look at. The artwork closes in on them both. It’s not a huge surprise to see The Flash wearing a different suit to the one worn in The CW TV series. As for Cyborg, the majority of the character is going to be CGI: so this might be the only glimpse of his costume we see for a while. If any set photos of actor Ray Fisher do emerge, they’ll only show his face and presumably a green suit.
Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, J.K. Simmons, Amber Heard, Ezra Miller, and Ray Fisher, Justice League is currently scheduled for a November 17, 2017 release.
Images: Warner Bros