After 13 years away, agents Mulder and Scully have made it back to our TV screens. But what do you think of the new six-episode run of The X-Files?
Does the concept of the show still work in 2016? Did the alien conspiracy elements turn you off? What’s been your favourite episode – and your least favourite? Would you like to see a proper 22-episode season? If so, what do Chris Carter and co need to tweak? And what other shows from the ‘00s would you like to see revived?
We want to hear your opinions NOW! If we like your responses enough you could get to appear in the world’s number one science fiction magazine.
Post in the comment thread below, or email us at, using the subject line “HOT TOPIC X-Files”. You can also tweet us at @sfxmagazine, using the hashtag #sfxhottopic, or join us on Facebook.
Of course you don’t just have to write to us about The X-Files! Feel free to share your thoughts on anything from the many universes of sci-fi and fantasy. Are you excited that Bryan Fuller’s going to be showrunning the new Star Trek TV series? Did Deadpool’s fourth wall-breaking wisecracking make you chuckle? Were you pleased to see Mad Max: Fury Road winning some BAFTAs? Or maybe you’ve just got a comment to make about the latest issue of SFX?
Get writing and you could see your thoughts immortalised in print in the next issue!