Unless you haven’t been paying attention to the internet (opens in new tab) for the last month, you already know why Ubisoft discontinued Assassin’s Creed Unity (opens in new tab)’s season passes and pledged to give its biggest piece of DLC away for free to all owners of the game. For those who bought the pass unaware of the glitchy troubles awaiting them, it’s nearly time to claim your compensation.
Unity season pass owners can choose from one of six free games – they’re not just little downloadable trifles, either, they’re otherwise full-priced tiles: The Crew (opens in new tab), Far Cry 4 (opens in new tab), Watch Dogs (opens in new tab), Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (opens in new tab), Rayman Legends (opens in new tab), and Just Dance 2015 (opens in new tab).
Starting this week you’ll be able to claim the free game by logging in to your Uplay account and visiting a special site. Ubisoft says it will post a more detailed step-by-step guide soon, though there’s no rush – users will have until March 15, 2015 to claim their selection.
Unity season pass owners will still receive all previously detailed DLC as part of their purchase. Everyone else will get the Dead Kings expansion for free, which sends Arno to the city of Saint-Denis after the main campaign, but still need to purchase any other DLC.
It’s not a bad way to make amends with upset customers. Hopefully Ubisoft learned its lesson and won’t be eating humble pie again when Assassin’s Creed Victory (opens in new tab) (probably) releases next year.