Tag Archives: Sony

The best Sony A90J prices and deals right now

Now they’re out in the wild, it’d a great time to look for a Sony A90J deal. Sure to be one of the best gaming TVs of this year and the next few, getting the best Sony A90J price you can find is the best way to grab this new …

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Unpaid interns worked overtime manufacturing PS4s

Up to 1,000 unpaid student interns worked overtime and night shifts in a Foxconn plant manufacturing PS4s, despite company regulations. The Chinese electronic giant, which also manufactures Apple, Microsoft, and Nintendo products, said today that the situation has been dealt with. “Immediate actions have been taken to bring that campus …

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The Last Guardian still under work, news hinted

This time the man behind Ico and Shadow of the Colossus himself has delivered the clockwork reassurance of The Last Guardian’s continued existence. Fumito Ueda said on his personal website (is that the best URL ever or what?) he is still working on the game and fans should “keep an …

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Skype revealed for PlayStation Vita: free app available now

Sony and Skype have just announced the launch of the latter’s app for the PlayStation Vita, adding a freely-downloadable Internet calling app to the PlayStation store. The announcement marks the debut of video calling on the current generation of handheld consoles – indeed, it’s the first purpose-built games machine of …

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Resistance: Burning Skies trailer is equal parts story, gameplay and alien-gore

Sony’s just released a new story trailer for Resistance: Burning Skies, Nihilistic Software’s Vita-bound addition to the popular alt-history FPS series. The trailer’s narrated from the POV of the game’s protagonist, Staten Island firefighter Tom Riley, single-handedly fighting off the Chimera Invasion with a variety of increasingly non-standard-issue weaponry – …

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MotorStorm RC hits PS3 and Vita in March

Sony has announced it’ll be releasing MotorStorm RC through the PlayStation Store next month. Built to play on both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, the game’s a cross-platform download that’ll be available for both systems from the one purchase. Offering an RC twist on the MotorStorm formula, Sony bills …

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Sony confirms LittleBigPlanet Karting is a real thing

Kart racing looks to be getting another mascot, as Sony has confirmed the return of Sackboy and his sack friends in LittleBigPlanet Karting. “Update: We can confirm that LittleBigPlanet Karting is in fact in development and we look forward to sharing more on the game soon!” tweeted Sony earlier today. …

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