BOLLYWOOD megastar Amitabh Bachchan is the latest talent to join the cast of Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby.
The name may not immediately set bells ringing because this will be the first time that Bachchan will star in a Hollywood film.
That’s despite being voted the greatest star of the millennium in a 1999 BBC poll and having acted in 180 films spanning a forty-year career.
Amitabh will play Meyer Wolfstein in Luhrmann’s adaptation on F Scott Fitzgerald’s tale of 1920’s high society in the US.
Luhrmann says he is “personally thrilled that one of the worlds greatest screen legends is joining the cast…Amitabh’s films have made a tremendous impression on my life and work.”
From Bollywood to Hollywood Bachchan will join Leo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Isla Fisher. Are you excited? Tell us below!