Want to play Fallout 4 (opens in new tab) but never got around to it? Good news, it’s having a free weekend and a bunch of discounts.
Look, they made a trailer to announce it and everything:
It’s taking place this weekend, from May 25-28 but there’s a catch – it’s only free on Xbox (to Live Gold Members) and Steam, with PlayStation only getting discounts if you buy it. The press release says you can get up to 67%, although I’m actually seeing 70% off on the Store right now.
During the free window Xbox and Steam will users be able to play all of the base game (so no DLC) and try out mods. There will also be discounts if you decide to play it.
There are some different timings so listen up:
Xbox Live Gold Members Free-to-play and discount window
Thursday 25, at 12:01am PT to Sunday 28, at 11:59pm PT
Thursday 25 8:01am BST/9:01am CEST to Monday 29 07:59am BST/08:59am CEST
Steam Free-to-play window
Thursday 25 10am to Sunday 28, 1pm PT
Thursday 25 6pm BST/7pm CEST – Sunday 28 9pm BST/10pm CEST
Steam Discount Period
Thursday 25 10am PT – 29 Monday 10am PT
Thursday 25 6pm BST/7pm CEST – Monday 29 6pm BST/7pm CEST
As yet there’s no timing’s on the PlayStation’s discount weekend so let’s assume it’s around those same windows.
If you want to know why you should play it then here’s our Fallout 4 review (opens in new tab) and a few Fallout 4 tips (opens in new tab) to help you make the most of the weekend.