If you’ve been planning to tackle Bloodborne (opens in new tab)’s Old Hunters DLC (opens in new tab) with a friend like we did (opens in new tab) on Twitch last week (in case you missed the show), you might want to put those plans on hold. The game’s servers are currently down for “emergency maintenance,” and a post over on the Japanese PlayStation website states (opens in new tab) that it could take days before they’re back online.
Tim Wernicke, Bloodborne lead hosting engineer, posted (opens in new tab) on Reddit that he and his team have “received some really important feedback about an exploit and serious issues that exist in the game.” As to what that exploit is, Wernicke wouldn’t (and indeed, indicated that he couldn’t) say.
However, other Bloodborne subreddit followers have theorized it might have to do with a glitch that players were allegedly using to gain free access to the DLC. That would certainly make sense, as breaking sales is likely considered a teensy bit more serious to From Software than exploiting, say, a boss’ weak point.
From Software notes that it will post an update as soon as servers are back.
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