Watch Tremor rock Mortal Kombat X – available to download tomorrow

Mortal Kombat X (opens in new tab)’s Kombat Pack DLC has been a palatable melange of fan service, so far including one returning character and two movie cameos. The fourth and final addition to the Pack takes a new approach – introducing a character fans have seen before, but who has never been fully playable.

Tremor first appeared in action spin-off, Mortal Kombat: Special Forces as one of the series’ innumerable ninja clones, garbed in a fetching beige ensemble. His MKX incarnation is a touch more interesting, bulked up and sporting a very useful dermatological condition. Here’s his official introduction trailer:

He looks to be a cross between the game’s slow brawlers with a few more ranged control moves – and there are a couple of elemental add-ons for what I’m guessing are his variations. Kombat Pack buyers can download Tremor tomorrow, 21st July, and he’s available for separate purchase from 28th.

He might signal the end of the Kombat Pack, but with Rain (who appears early on in the game’s campaign, with a full moveset) still not playable, and the trailer’s “Who’s Next?” caption, I’d be surprised if this is the last we hear from NetherRealm about DLC.

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