Metal Gear Solid movie will be written by Jurassic Worlds Derek Connolly

A Metal Gear Solid movie (opens in new tab) has been on fans’ minds for a long time – series director Hideo Kojima announced that there were plans to adapt his uber-popular tales of tactical espionage action to the big screen way back in 2006(!), but it’s only been in the past year or so that any real progress seems to have been made. According to Variety (opens in new tab), the film made another step toward becoming more than a pipe dream this week by bringing on writer Derek Connolly.

Connolly’s credits cover quite the wide variety of tones. He got his big break thanks to Safety Not Guaranteed (a quirky romantic drama), co-wrote the screenplay for Jurassic World (opens in new tab) and the upcoming sequel Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (opens in new tab) (action movies about dinosaurs), as well as Monster Trucks (a kid’s movie), and is currently helping write Star Wars 9 (opens in new tab) (space opera science fantasy).

It’s not clear if Connolly will be outright replacing Jay Basu (Monsters: Dark Continent), who was announced as attached to the project (opens in new tab) back in 2015, or if he’ll simply be giving it another draft. In any case, with producer Avi Arad, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, and now screenplay writer Connolly all onboard, it feels like this thing might actually get made.

Of course, there’s still the matter of casting and finding a star to play our gruff hero, Snake. Back when this was still but a twinkle in Kojima’s eye – 2012, to be precise – he said (opens in new tab) he was torn between picking an up-and-coming actor and… Hugh Jackman. I’m not sure Jackman could play the young version of Snake, but I can totally see him as Big Boss. Maybe Tom Hardy as his clone “son”? Someone get me Vogt-Roberts’ number, I’ve got a few suggestions to make.

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