The Last of Us 2 Trading Cards: How to find every trading card collectible in the game

There are The Last of Us 2 trading cards everywhere if you know where to find them. They’re the main collectible and feature a variety of tongue-in-cheek references to the game’s developers through the Society of Champions, a trading card set with different factions, heroes and villains. These cards are spread throughout The Last of Us 2 (opens in new tab) and can be quite tricky to find without help. If you’re struggling, check out our handy guide to every The Last of Us 2 trading card location.

SPOILER WARNING: This guide will inevitably allude to story elements and delve into spoiler territory due to the collectible locations so please exercise care when reading!

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Waking up trading cards (2)

Waking up trading cards (2)

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Trading Card 1 – Seismicalya  trading card girl – on the side of the saloon on the left when you’re coming down Main Street in Jackson

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Trading Card 2 – The Keene Twins – at the back of the bar to the left of the man reading in the bar where Seth gives you sandwiches. 

Patrol trading cards (2)

Patrol trading cards (2)

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Trading Card 3 – Tesseracter – When you dismount to check out houses with Dina on the first patrol, head to the house on the right, climb up onto the roofing and into the window, on your left is the trading card nestled in a bookshelf. 

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Trading Card 4 – Laurent Foucault – In the library after you talk about Eugene and Tommy and Joel’s role with the fireflies, you enter a room with a giraffe to your right. Look for the door ahead of you as you walk in, the trading card is in there

The Gate trading cards (4)

The Gate trading cards (4)

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Trading Card 5 – Motivator – This is hard to miss, as it’s in the bus stop during Seattle Day 1 on the door when Dina notices a set of cars!

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Trading Card 6 – The Starfire Kids – Trailer off the overgrown highway in Seattle day 1, on a notice board. 

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Trading Card 7 – Chessmaster – After you climb over the dodgy wall to get over the WLF gate, before you head down the ladder head up one to your left as you enter the spiral room.

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Trading Card 8 – Oozer – top of the building next to the generator with the yellow cord, throw it over the other side and climb up on top of it when you turn around.

Downtown trading cards (5)

Downtown trading cards (5)

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Trading Card 9 – Dr Uckmann – In the middle of the downtown area, if you just head straight from where you come in you’ll find an overgrown three-story broken building – climb up top and open the green box to find this one. Name seems familiar. 

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Trading Card 10 – Das Worst – Valiant music shop, in the drawer behind the counter on the left when you walk in.

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Trading Card 11 – Flo – This card is at the far end of the map in Downtown Seattle, right at the back middle of the open-world area, near the bivouac with the workbench. You’ll know you’ve found it when you see a sign for Gate West D2 – it’s in the safe in this little area, the code is 0451.

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Trading Card 12 –  Big Blue – This card is in Ruston Coffee in the far top right corner of the Seattle map. It’s behind the counter in a drawer underneath a microwave and a sign that says ‘Hot Chocolate’.

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Trading Card 13 – Know it all – This is in the Serevena Hotel when you head upstairs after noticing all the gas. It’s in a drawer between two beds.

Eastbrook Elementary trading cards (1)

Eastbrook Elementary trading cards (1)

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Trading Card 14 – Cardio – After fighting on the roof of the elementary school, you see a truck drop off dogs. Hop over to the apartment from the roof and leap over the bed to find this card in a drawer in the computer room.

Capitol Hill trading cards (6)

Capitol Hill trading cards (6)

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Trading Card 15 – Kinnard Esq – When you start to go after Leah, Ellie will enter the suburbs of Seattle. Head to the house on the right which is painted blue and has a number three ont eh door. It’s in a drawer just before the kitchen. 

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Trading Card 16 – Rockafella – In the little motel area in the suburbs there’s a hotel room you can hop out of the window in and then enter into the next hotel room which is usually locked. It’s distinct due to a red door – the card will be in a drawer next to the bed.

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Trading Card 17 – Doctor Stem – This is in the Aurora Bookshop in Seattle. It’s inside a book in the long corridor at the end when you enter – watch out for clickers.

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Trading Card 18 – Sergeant Frost – At the lowest row of buildings in the suburbs, there’s a shop called five street market. At the back, there’s a room beyond the deli counter, and the trading card is in the leftmost locker of a set in the back room.

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Trading Card 19 – Candelabra – When the proximity mine blows up the clicker, run into the room where it was running out of and there’s a rack next to an ATM in the far left corner – the card is in a set of purple boxes under a poster for cards.

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Trading Card 20 – Bizarrebra – After heading into a gym with Dina during the trip mine section, you’ll climb out and see a big mural with a women on it on the back of a truck, head left from here, clambering over the cars until you find a bookshop behind you and to the left. The card is in the Children’s section nestled in a set of books.

Channel 13 trading card (1)

Channel 13 trading card (1)

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Trading Card 21 – Kimimela – In the TV station, you head outside after going upstairs past the hanged bodies and shimmy across a ledge. When you get back into the station, move through and go left of the corpse blocking a door and into the far room – the card is on the desk.

The Tunnels trading cards (3)

The Tunnels trading cards (3)

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Trading Card 22 – The Imp – After Dina and Ellie discuss being called Scars after evading the clickers, end of the line past the red door on the right is the card underneath a train car nestled in some bags. Easy to miss.

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Trading Card 23 – Daniela Star – You’ll enter a series of tunnels in the underground with a set of side rooms on your left. The first one you’ll find has a door which needs a punch code (a separate puzzle) – if you head right from that door you’ll find a room with a caged section that is locked. To the right of the locked door, hop over the desks to get to the back, crouch under and then it’s on the computer desk. 

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Trading Card 24 – Bastet – After you escape from the shamblers and Dina remarks on a train crash, there’s a cubby that leads you into an overturned train car – you have to go prone to get in, it’s to the left of a red machine you have to climb onto to escape this section. The card is in a little container to your left after you crawl through.

The Theater trading cards (2)

The Theater trading cards (2)

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Trading Card 25 – Mortem – After you get Dina back to the theater and resume control of Ellie, the card is in a breakable display case at the back of the room after you hop the counter.

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Trading Card 26 – Beyond – Upstairs in the theater, go past the bar and it’s in the dark corner around the bend on an old sofa.

The Birthday Gift trading cards (2)

The Birthday Gift trading cards (2)

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Trading Card 27 – The Nighthawk – In the main room of the museum, it’s on a bench in an alcove on the right just before the toilet. 

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Trading Card 28 – Saura – When you’re alone as Ellie in the history museum, this card is on a bench to the right of the display where a moose is being killed by wolves.

Hillcrest trading cards (5)

Hillcrest trading cards (5)

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Trading Card 29 – Wachumero – As soon as you get control of Ellie in Hillcrest, head to your right and leap down and there’s a half-flooded car. Smash the window for the card.

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Trading Card 30  – Sahir the Sorceror – Once you hop over the truck into the next part of Hillcrest and the truck with people in drives away, head left, down into a drain and up into a shop, and the trading card is in a box at the back – you have to lean for it!

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Trading Card 31 – Naledi the Youthful – After you solve the dumpster puzzle and climb into the room with the cracked wall. To the right of the workbench is a bike in the corner and the card is stuck in the spokes. 

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Trading Card 32 – Brainstorm – hop the fence after a zombie encounter in Hillcrest when you see a bomb go off and remark on the smoke. Hop the next fence and you’ll be in somebody’s garden. Behind the little kid’s toy house is this card.

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Trading Card 33 – Reverb – After you get the bow in Hillcrest, you’ll see a yellow house with a light blue car outside – on the top floor of this house, crawl underneath the bed for this card.

Finding Strings trading cards (1)

Finding Strings trading cards (1)

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Trading Card 34 – The Austringer – In a car in a dead end pool you hop to during Tommy flashback before you decide to cut through hotel with Joel.

The Seraphites trading cards (6)

The Seraphites trading cards (6)

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Trading Card 35 – Randy Styles – After you leave to go to the hospital and push past the gate, youll enter a shop and in the far right top corner is a box of cards with this one sticking out.

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Trading Card 36 – Shift – On the way to the hospital, on your right, there’s a building with a sign calling it a “convenience centre.” Climb up the broken elevator and then you’ll find a locked door. You’ll see a rope nearby, to use it you have to shoot out the glass on the awning outside and throw it over, then climb up to this room. It’s in a duffel bag inside this room.

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Trading Card 37 – Star Sign – Keep going down towards the hospital from Card 36, and on the left there’ll be a truck and some girders sticking out from a building. Head in and search the second floor for a safe, and it’s in a bedside table drawer near a workbench and training manual.

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Trading Card 38 – Arch-Enemy – When you drop into the Seattle Convention Centre after noticing the hospital in the distance – there’s a window you can shoot through to get into a locked door from the side. The card is in here in the furthest drawer on the right.

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Trading Card 39 – Doppelgänger – After you first encounter with The Seraphites, you’ll push a door which crashes behind you – head up the first set of stars in here and the card is nestled among kids toys.

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Trading Card 40 – Bhat M’Andarr – After Ellie says Nora “better still be there” on the hospital approach you will dip into some water. Instead of going straight, take the fork in the water to the parking lot and head upstairs, this one is around the counter. Westons.

Road to the Aquarium trading cards (4)

Road to the Aquarium trading cards (4)

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Trading Card 41 – Esquire – When you start Seattle Day 3 alone, don’t push through the red curtain just yet,  head to the left of the red curtain and the card is on a desk near some computers.

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Trading Card 42 – Tormentra – When you and Jesse are headed to the aquarium, you’ll cut through a hardware store, after he finds a door that’s jammed you’ll open a blue door, head left and on the right, there should be a blue door open to a room you can only reach by crawling in – the trading card is on the table in this room. 

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Trading Card 43 – Tanager – After the first swim section on the way to the aquarium, you climb into a bookstore. After you drop down fully, turn around, face the broken platform and crawl into the tunnel behind you. 

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Trading Card 44 – Tatuaje – After you and Jesse hatch a plan to steal a boat, you drop down into a enclosed area and then another one – you’ll hop over a small wooden cabinet to progress, but turn around and look back at the cabinet you hopped and the trading card will be inside of it.

The Flooded City trading cards (2)

The Flooded City trading cards (2)

(Image credit: Sony)

Trading Card 45 – Seff ‘Lo ‘Phad – After Ellie get the boat there’s a section where you come down a mini waterfall and you’ll see a yellow forklift to your left. After the drop, get out and go in the room on your right, and the card is in a drawer in the far corner.

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Trading Card 46 – Kazakh Bright – Still inn the boat section, you get out in an arcade to fight a massive bloater – this card is under the counter you push after you beat him. Crank it open and hop the gated window, then turn around to see it. 

Pushing Inland trading card (1)

Pushing Inland trading card (1)

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Trading Card 47 – CBB-3 – The first building you cut through in Santa Barbara after fighting clickers – climb in through the window from the roof and it’s on your right in a bedroom, on a makeup table. 

The Resort trading cards (1)

The Resort trading cards (1)

(Image credit: Sony)

Trading Card 48 – Sparkthug – In the area where you fight the rattlers and they’re taunting a zombie on a leash, the final card is in a little arched room building against the back wall. It’s in a boombox on the right as soon as you go in (you have to go through this room to progress)

About Fox

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