The PS4 version of Shadow of the Colossus (opens in new tab) isn’t an all-new game, but it’s a lot more involved than the PS3 remaster. Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida gave Famitsu (with a translation from Siliconera (opens in new tab)) some more information about the project that was first revealed at the PlayStation E3 2017 (opens in new tab) press conference. First off, don’t call it a remaster.
“It is a remake,” Yoshida said. “The game content is the same as the original version, but all the assets are being remade. I figured we could use such tech to make if we’re going to make Shadow of the Colossus in the PS4 era. Bluepoint is the development company behind the PS3 remaster versions of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. So we know them rather well.”
Bluepoint also did a nice job with Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (opens in new tab), remastering the three PS3 games for play on PS4. It sounds like the new Shadow of the Colossus could be Bluepoint’s most challenging project for Sony yet; not just graphically speaking, but… Well, have you played Shadow of the Colossus recently? It definitely has some of that Team Ico jank to it; the same kind of dated-feeling controls that recently befuddled The Last Guardian (opens in new tab) players.
“[The content] is the same, but player preferences for controls and such change over time, so we’re working on implementing a more modernized way to play,” Yoshida added. “And of course you can play with a feel of the original version, but what we’re doing is showing how great the original work is, using today’s technology.”
Make sure you check out our full E3 2017 schedule (opens in new tab) to stay tuned for all the details as they arrive, and check out our roundup of all the E3 2017 trailers (opens in new tab). For more E3 2017 highlights, check out our Nintendo E3 2017 recap (opens in new tab) and Xbox E3 2017 recap (opens in new tab).