Nintendo files a patent for anti-cheat software, potentially in time for Splatoon 3

Nintendo has filed a new patent that appears to be some kind of anti-cheat software, and it’s planned to be implemented with its online games. 

As spotted by OpAttack (opens in new tab) (via Nintendo Life (opens in new tab)), Nintendo has filed for a new patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (opens in new tab). The patent, which is described as a “systems and method for identifying modified program data”, will seemingly work as a kind of anti-cheat software and will be able to detect when a user is attempting to modify any of its software. Most likely that effect will be felt most keenly in online games such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate or the upcoming Splatoon 3.

The official description of the patent reads: “The technology described implements attestation programs that employ ‘code reuse’ techniques. In particular, the technology relates to auto-generating attestation programs for, among other aspects, detecting whether a program has been modified.” Put in simple terms, the patented software would flag any users that are attempting to modify the game’s code and therefore cheat the system. 

A few pages into the patent, we can also see more of Nintendo’s intentions with the new technology. As explained in the document: “Cheating in video games has been prevalent since almost the dawn of gaming,” the description reads, “video game cheating has evolved greatly over the years, to a point where users can modify the software and/or metadata to gain an unfair advantage.” 

“In particular, users are able to modify software in a way that enables them to have advantages over other players on different systems across a multiplayer game.” The document continues, “these unfair advantages result in the game being much less satisfying to the user thereby affecting the overall human-user experience and interaction in the game.”

It looks like Nintendo has decided to take cheating in its multiplayer games more seriously as of late. Perhaps, due in part to the upcoming release of Splatoon 3, which will let players battle it out with paint guns via multiplayer online co-op. This also wouldn’t be the first time Nintendo has seemingly patented something for its squid game, in fact, just last month, Nintendo also filed a patent that could give Splatoon 3 better maps

Just can’t wait to explore Splatsville? Find out why Splatoon 3 needs to learn the right lessons from Splatoon 2’s Octo Expansion. 

About Fox

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