Earlier today at GamesCom Konami showcased a new trailer for its upcoming Metal Gear spin-off Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (opens in new tab). As we noted earlier (opens in new tab), the video seemed pretty similar to the one released during E3, until the end when a robo-dog tried to kill Raiden with his chainsaw tail. Following that lovely surprise, we then got another treat with the planned European release date of February 21. Now Konami as confirmed that the game will hit US stores three days earlier on 2/19/2013.
We knew that Revengeance was planned for early 2013, but now this places it right in the middle of the busiest February in recent memory. It’ll be competing with Dead Space 3 (opens in new tab), Aliens: Colonial Marines (opens in new tab) and BioShock Infinite (opens in new tab). And don’t even get us started on how crowded March is. Well, at least Revengeance will have that robo-dog to set it apart.