Green Lantern ’s underwhelming box office performance was a significant disappointment for Warner Bros, and Mark Strong has suggested that will be that for the green-suited superhero.
“I would be surprised if they made a second one, because I’ve heard nothing about it in quite a while now,” said Strong, suggesting that the next time we’ll see the character will be in a Justice League movie, should one ever get made.
The star went on to speak about the post-credits scene in the movie, which had originally been intended to serve as a signpost towards where the rest of the franchise was headed.
“A lot of people seemed to be confused by [ Sinestro ] putting on the ring at the end of the movie,” said Strong. “They felt that it came out of nowhere. It was intended to relate to where the movies were headed and that, for me, would have been very exciting because putting on of the ring and the suit turning yellow would have been great fun.”
Sadly, that possibility now seems unlikely given the way the first film flopped. Fingers crossed the studio finds a way to make Justice League work in order to give the Lantern the big screen outing he deserves…