Ooooh boy patch fans, has your ship come in. With Halo 5 (opens in new tab) and Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (opens in new tab) both imminent, release info, like updates, is starting to arrive.
First there’s this from Halo 5 studio head, Josh Holmes:
@crazyherb9 The MP update (includes map content) is 9GB.October 15, 2015
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We already knew Halo 5 was adding some new multiplayer content post-launch (opens in new tab) so that would suggest the ‘map content’ he mentions is new stuff being added as 343 adjust to fan feedback and change up the release content.
In terms of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate review copies are going out, so people are playing it for that reason. The patch there is almost non-existent, coming in at (opens in new tab) 534MB on PS4 and about 520MB on Xbox 1. That’s actually quite significant as it suggests the game is solid, stable and not needing massive amounts of fixing like Unity did at launch.
Which is a shame in a way because that hair was fabulous.
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