Even though Zack Snyder promised a three-hour extended version (opens in new tab) of Batman v Superman on home video, there was always a slim chance it wouldn’t materialise. That butt-numbing runtime has now been confirmed by a Swedish retailer, CDON (opens in new tab), which lists the Ultimate Edition of the movie as clocking in at 181 minutes: three hours and one minute.
Unlike its theatrical counterpart this longer version will be an R-rated (opens in new tab)affair. Producer Charles Roven assures us it will be much more intense (opens in new tab), while Snyder has said it’s not a “hard R” – so don’t expect nudity and gore. As well as beefing up the adult content, the home video release will reintegrate several characters whose roles were left on the cutting room floor. Namely, Jena Malone. It’s odd that considering all of the brouhaha (opens in new tab) surrounding her role – eventually revealed as Barbara Gordon (opens in new tab) – she was snipped from the theatrical cut. That reason alone is enough to make fans shell out for the Blu-ray.
While the second disc of the release is the one that includes the R-rated cut, it’s the first disc which also has some surprises in store. Two hours of them, to be exact. Yes, we’re getting a hefty 120 minutes of bonus features that’s likely to include making-ofs, artwork, commentaries and more deleted scenes. The Blu-ray is expected to arrive in July, so we’ll no doubt receive specifics on those extras sometime before then.
Images: Warner Bros.