God of Wars art director is remastering Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters for fun

Among many, many other awards, Sony Santa Monica’s 2018 triumph God of War (opens in new tab) won Best Art Direction at the Game Awards (opens in new tab) and Best Visual Design at the Golden Joystick Awards (opens in new tab). So when God of War’s art director, Raf Grassetti, announces a new personal project, people notice – especially when that project is a celebration of one of the other best games of 2018 (opens in new tab), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.  (opens in new tab)

Grassetti has been redrawing – or more accurately, sculpting – Super Smash Bros. characters over on his personal Instagram (opens in new tab) as part of a new art series appropriately titled Super Smash Bros. Remastered. At the time of writing, he’s sculpted five characters: Samus Aran, Breath of the Wild Link, Fox McCloud, Bowser, and Sonic the Hedgehog. You can view all five in the gallery embedded below, and if you want to see more, stay tuned to Grassetti’s Instagram (opens in new tab) and Twitter (opens in new tab). He’s been cranking these characters out with surprising speed, and Mewtwo’s up next. 

🦔 The Hedgehog 💫 Thanks for all the support guys! One of my favorites added to the series! Hope you like it! As usual, swipe all the way to the end for a tease of the next character! #sonic Raf Grassetti (opens in new tab)

A photo posted by @rafagrassetti on Jan 7, 2019 at 7:17am PST

Of the five characters sculpted thus far, Samus is my personal favorite, though Fox is a close second. I’d love to see Grassetti sculpt Splatoon’s Inkling. That said, I can’t help but wonder if Grassetti’s rendition of Sonic the Hedgehog is the most valuable of the bunch. After all, it presents a surprisingly cool alternative to the blue thing the Sonic the Hedgehog movie has cooked up (opens in new tab). Just look at this mock-up by Boss Logic: 

My boy @rafagrassetti just posted up his awesome rendition of Sonic for his smash series, we decided to make a movie poster version.I took it way back to the Sega master system days, you guys remember those covers? @SEGA @ParamountPics pic.twitter.com/bArTPD5EaNJanuary 7, 2019

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I’m still kind of iffy on the very idea of a CG Sonic movie, but I can actually get behind this version of Sonic. 

Haven’t played God of War yet? Well, go play it! And use these 11 God of War (opens in new tab)tips that we wish we’d known before playing.  

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