Where to launch Fortnite signal flares and signal more hunters

When you need to launch signal flares in Fortnite for Ariana Grande there are five locations you can visit to send these comedically oversized rockets skywards. You only need to do it three times at least, so you’ve got some options of where to go. The spread out nature of each signal flare site, however, makes it unlikely you’ll clear all three in one match though. Two rockets in a match is easily possible, but expect to take a couple of games to launch all three signal flares in Fortnite. 

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Where to launch Fortnite signal flares

Fortnite signal flares

(Image credit: Epic)

There are five sites where you can launch a signal flare in Fortnite and all of them are fairly evenly spread out, so expect a trek to reach every single one, and probably at least two matches to tick the three needed off. They’re all far from the beaten track somewhat as well, so it might be best to land somewhere you can gear up first before you try and reach them. 

Whatever you plan, these are the five locations marked on the map in more detail to help you locate each Fortnite signal flare site: 

  1. South of Believer Beach – On a peak at the western-most edge of the brown area. 
  2. Mountain top – The peak with a yellow tent on, south of the Drop Shop and east of Defiant Dish.
  3. Craggy Cliffs – In the fenced area overlooking the road in.  
  4. South West of Catty Corner – On the snowy peak overlooking the yellow bridge.
  5. South West of Dirty Docks – On the mountain with saucer wreckage and pylons.

And this is the explosive health and safety worrying contraption you’re looking for: 

Fortnite signal flares

(Image credit: Epic)

All you need to do is approach the flare and hit Square when the prompt appears to send the rocket skywards. The bottom right of the map is probably your best bet, with sites two, four and five all in relatively close proximity – with a perfect circle placement and some good travelling time you could theoretically get all three launched in one match, but you’d have to be incredibly lucky. 

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