All Doom Eternal Sentinel Battery locations: power up the Fortress of Doom with all the batteries

Whether mopping up or starting on Game Pass, finding a Doom Eternal Sentinel Battery or two in each level as you play is vital to open doors in the Fortress of Doom. Behind each one you’ll find an upgrade or unlockable like new Slayer skins, Sentinel Coins, Weapon mods and more. Some Doom Eternal Sentinel Batteries are easy to find while, some are hidden or a real challenge to reach. Because of that we’re going to list how to find every single Doom Eternal Sentinel Battery. That also includes the ones you also get by completing in-game challenges. 

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Exultia Sentinel Batteries

Exultia Sentinel Batteries

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1 

(Image credit: Bethesda)

You can’t really miss your first Sentinel Battery on Exultia as it’s one of your objective markers on the way to picking up the Plasma Rifle, so start the mission and follow the pointers.

Cultist Base Sentinel Batteries

Cultist Base Sentinel Batteries

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The first battery you find on the Cultist Base level is a bit tricky to get. You’ll need to turn back to look at the door you came through where you should see a small ledge to the left. Jump dash to that and you’ll find a small cave with a green punch switch that will open a gate to the energy lift under the main area with the hanging bombs. Head back and use the lift to reach the battery. 

Sentinel Battery 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The second Cultist Base Sentinel Battery is an easy get. Just head up the massive drawbridge and check left to find it at the end of the corridor. 

Sentinel battery 3

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The third Cultist Base Sentinel Battery is in an area with two lifts that move up and down. To reach it use the energy lift to jump to the upper lift on the left. Go into the area that takes you into and then go to the lift on the other side and use that to go up another level. Follow the corridor around and you’ll be able to drop down into the area with the Battery. 

Cultist Base Sentinel Battery challenges

  • Pull the Crystal – Acquire 1 sentinel crystal
  • Armored Rain – Ignite 4 Demons with a single blast of the Flame Belch
  • Master of Turrets – Destroy an Arachnotron turret

Doom Hunter Base Sentinel Batteries

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Look under the first pillar of the central ramp to find a floor grate you can punch through. This will lead to a tunnel that will take you to the Sentinel Battery hidden in the second pillar. 

Sentinel Battery 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

This is another easy to grab battery that you’ll pass along the way. Once you climb up into the area on the map you’ll find it on the right waiting to be picked up.

Doom Hunter Base Sentinel Battery challenges

  • Musical Interlude – Find a collectible album
  • Big Reveal – Use the AutoMap station
  • Fire in the Hole – Kill 3 demons with a single Frag Grenade

Super Gore Nest Sentinel Batteries – map 1

Sentinel Battery 1

Super Gore Nest Sentinel Battery 1

(Image credit: Bethesda)

You won’t see the first Super Gore Nest Sentinel Battery on the map when you start as it’s in an area you won’t reach until you’ve used the yellow gore key and started looking for the red gore key. You’ll end up in some radioactive sewers and reach this area:

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Instead of jumping up to reach the destructible grate go through the tunnel underneath to reach the first Sentinel Battery. 

Super Gore Nest Sentinel Batteries – map 2

Super Gore Nest Sentinel Battery 2 and 3

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The second Super Gore Nest Battery you’ll discover shortly after dealing with the Buff Totem area with all the lava. Again, it’s one you’ll pass as part of following the objective, after you punch out the block to climb the building it’ll be to the left of the objective.

Sentinel Battery 3

(Image credit: Bethesda)

You won’t be able to get the third Super Gore Nest Battery until you have the blue gore key. When you do head back to the giant meat tower you saw right back at the beginning of the level. The blue gore key will get you inside where you can use the energy lift to reach a big climbable wall and access a corridor that leads to the third batter. 

Arc Complex Sentinel Batteries

Arc Complex Sentinel Batteries

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The first Arc Complex Sentinel Battery is near the Slayer Gate and easy to reach. Just jump on to the climbable wall and then down to the ledge it overlooks. You should be able to see the battery easily from the wall.

Sentinel Battery 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The second Arc Complex Sentinel Battery is another easy one to get just after you shoot the first giant tentacle. You’ll see it through a window shortly after you leave the the gun and can just enter the room to get it. 

Sentinel Battery 3

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The third Arc Complex Sentinel Battery is another one you have to pass as part of the main objective. When you get to the purple slime area use the swing bar to get over the fence and then dash to the box it’s on to claim it. 

Arc Complex Sentinel Battery challenges

  • Rune Ensemble – Acquire 2 Runes
  • External Combustion – Overload a shield with the Plasma Rifle to kill 6 demons
  • Rocket Removal – Destroy 4 shoulder launcher weak points on Revenants

Mars Core Sentinel Batteries

Mars Core Sentinel Battery – map 1

Mars Core Sentinel Batteries

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

(Image credit: Bethesda)

At the base of the BFG you’ll enter in to an area with a ton of enemies to fire, including a Doom Hunter. When it’s done you’ll trigger a short cut scene that shows this doorway opening. Go in and drop down and head away from your objective to see the first Mars Core Sentinel Battery.

Mars Core Sentinel Battery – map 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

You can’t get the second Mars Core Sentinel Battery until after you’ve fired yourself from the cannon. After that it’s along the route you have to take although it might look a little out of the way initially. You can either use the energy lift to leap over the gap and then jump back via the platform you can see from the ledge. Or just double back immediately from the jump lift to reach the platform. 

Mars Core Sentinel Battery – map 3

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

The second Mars Core Sentinel Battery can be reached almost as soon as you land on Mars in the escape pod. Just look to the right as you drop down the first ledge to see it. 

Mars Core Sentinel Battery challenges

  • Big Ba-Da Boom – Kill 40 demons with a very big gun
  • Disarmament – Destroy 3 arm cannon weak points on Mancubi
  • Lock and Key – Find the Slayer Key

Tara Nabad Sentinel Batteries

Tara Nabad Sentinel Batteries

(Image credit: Bethesda)

Sentinel Battery 1

(Image credit: Bethesda)

You’ll see the first Taras Nabad Sentinel Battery through a grate in a cliffside when you make the big jump at the opening of the level. To get it head over to the other side when you land where you’ll find a lower platform with a smashable wall that opens into a tunnel that leads to it. 

Sentinel Battery 2

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The second Sentinel Battery on Taras Nabad is one of the hardest to find in the game, requiring you find a switch that’s hidden in a way that isn’t introduced until the next area. Bluntly, you have no idea what you’re looking for until you’ve moved on and left the area. To get the battery, which is in a sealed area, go to the end of the courtyard with the big statue, and look for this smaller cracked statue decorating the wall. Punch it to break it and reveal a switch that will open the gated area above the battery. There you can climb the wall and jump to punch the chain that will release the weight and smash through to the battery. 

Sentinel Battery 3

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The final Taras Nabad Sentinel Battery is, fortunately, easy to get. When you climb out into the area with the fallen titan just look behind you as you come out of the hole and you’ll see it in the corner waiting for you. 

Taras Nabad Sentinel Battery Challenges

  • Man Made Wiki – Acquire 6 codex entries
  • Keeping Cool – Use the Bomb to freeze 10 demons
  • Painkiller – Perform 3 differed Glory Kills on Pain Elementals

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