To celebrate the limited-time Sparrow Racing League (opens in new tab) event in Destiny (opens in new tab), Bungie has commissioned you to make a video or three – and if you’re lucky, the studio will pay you with a Taken King PS4 console.
As part of the Sparrow Racing League Film Festival, you have until Monday, December 21 to submit a short film, the best of which will win an SRL-themed PS4 controller skin, t-shirt, Destiny poster signed by the SRL dev team, Movie of the Week emblem, and a miniature Sparrow model. One extra lucky winner will get the aforementioned PS4.
There are three categories to which interested parties can submit: Rubbin’s Racin’, where your cinematography should be focused on the high-speed action of SRL races; Barrell Roll Call, a stunts-focused category where you can pretend it’s 1995 and you’re shooting a Tony Hawk trick highlight reel; and Sweet Rides, a catch-all/humor category. Dance, shoot a fake car commercial, or do like we did and rewrite the lyrics to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (opens in new tab).
We’d enter that video in the festival, but we want you guys to at least have a chance. (Yes, that was a joke.) And while we may not have tips on how to edit your videos, we do have tips for winning races (opens in new tab). As for the contest, full rules can be found on (opens in new tab).
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