Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.2 has some fun bugs of its own, including a never-ending sandstorm

The Cyberpunk 2077 patch notes for update 1.2 covered hundreds of bug fixes, control improvements, and other highly requested changes, but they curiously made no mention of the endless sandstorms which have since overtaken Night City.

1.2 messed up my entire save, and now the whole NC is in a sandstorm permanently. Honestly? I’m not even mad from r/cyberpunkgame

Redditor AugustusUwU (opens in new tab) shared a clip of the bugged sandstorm on the game’s subreddit. Sandstorms normally only appear in the game’s barren outlands, and only in specific areas, but a bug can cause the same visual effect to overtake the whole dang city. Thankfully, it seems to be a simple graphical issue that makes it look like the city’s having a particularly bad smog day, which is oddly fitting, really. If your futuristic society wrings every last resource out of the planet, you’re going to get some air pollution and desertification.

Not unexpectedly, patch 1.2 has caused all sorts of strange bugs. Redditor Mrleicester (opens in new tab) encountered a far more unnerving one. While cruising along on their motorcycle, they noticed that a nearby billboard was displaying the dashboard information… from their motorcycle. Speedometer, gear, HUD, everything – live and in real-time. To make things even creepier, when they stop to squint perplexed at the billboard, it cuts back to a normal advertisement. It’s as if they, whoever they are, noticed that Mrleicester had caught on. Again, this bug is honestly appropriate for Cyberpunk 2077. We’ve already got cookies in every corner of the internet, so you’d better believe futuristic cars in an interconnected society would have some kind of tracker on them. 

The new cyberpunk update is so great! Love it 😘 from r/cyberpunkgame

To round things out, Levihed6 (opens in new tab) shared a short clip that gives us another look at the game’s new, unintentional finger guns in action. That said, my favorite part of this clip is right at the end, when an NPC flails their arms around like a startled Dead Space necromorph, somehow killing Levihed6 in the process. That’s just grade-A video game bugginess, right there. Can’t beat it. 

Developer CD Projekt Red has “decided to reconsider” its plans for massive standalone Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer.

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