Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer mode details seemingly discovered by dataminers

Cyberpunk 2077 dataminers may have discovered details about the multiplayer modes coming to CD Projekt Red’s RPG. 

As reported by DSO Gaming (via VGC), dataminers appear to have found details about upcoming multiplayer modes after digging into Cyberpunk 2077’s “executable file”. Among the code are references to two different multiplayer modes. The first mode uncovered is said to be a Heist mode, while the second looks set to be a Deathmatch mode. 

The file shows some of the functions of the two modes, and also hints at multiplayer relying on P2P connections (peer-to-peer) as opposed to dedicated servers. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean Cyberpunk 2077 won’t have dedicated servers for multiplayer when it does launch – everything discovered in the file isn’t set in stone and could change in the future. 

Shortly before the release of the RPG on December 10 last year, CD Projekt Red revealed it was treating the multiplayer side of things as a “standalone project”. CEO Adam Kaciński spoke about the plans for multiplayer during an investor’s call, saying, “So, first, we don’t call it modes… it’s a separate dedicated production, a big production. We think about it as a standalone project.” 

With attention being paid to Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One and PS4 after many reports on performance issues, CD Projekt Red also previously said it will be discussing multiplayer and DLC content early this year, with plans to release free DLC in early 2021

Currently, there’s no set Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer release date. As with any datamines and leaks of this nature, it’s always best to take them with a pinch of salt, but it’s certainly interesting to see what direction Cyberpunk 2077’s multiplayer may go in.  

If you’re jumping into Night City yourself, be sure to check out these helpful Cyberpunk 2077 tips

About Fox

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