Chris Evans talks character conflict in Captain America: Civil War

One of the recurring themes of 2016’s superhero films seems to be ‘with great power must come great supervision’. Nowhere is this more evident than in Captain America: Civil War, which will see heroes divided on the issue of superhero oversight, and Chris Evans has been speaking with Cineplex (opens in new tab) about the conflict between his Captain America and Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark/Iron Man.

“You have this team of people who are destroying every city they go to, but they’re saving the world. So it’s a matter of, do we monitor these people or do we let them monitor themselves? The beautiful thing with Civil War is that no one’s right and no one’s wrong; it’s just your personal opinion”.

“We’re going to have a nice evolution where you have a guy like Cap, who grew up with structure – he was a soldier and he liked hierarchy, he liked the chain command”, Evans continued. “Now, all of a sudden, you have a guy who used to love the system not so sure about trusting it. And a guy like Tony Stark, who used to buck the system and dance to the beat of his own drum all of a sudden thinking, maybe we need some order”.

The key tidbit in Evans’ comments is that “no one is right and no one is wrong”. In the comic book version of Marvel’s Civil War, Stark’s increasingly drastic actions mean he becomes the bad guy. If the film can keep things on a more even keel that will make Captain America: Civil War infinitely more interesting. We can’t wait to see how this one plays out.

Directed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo, and starring Tom Holland, Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, Captain America: Civil War opens in UK cinemas on April 29, 2016 and May 6, 2016 in the US.

Images: Marvel

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