Call of Duty Warzone season 5 teaser seemingly confirms loot trains

The first teaser for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (opens in new tab) season 5 is here, and it seems to confirm earlier reports that loot trains are coming to Warzone, among other significant additions to the Verdansk map.

Infinity Ward was kind enough to give Twitch streamer NICKMERCS (opens in new tab) early access to the brief teaser, which you can check out below:

So, train confirmed. The grainy footage shows a train in the distance rolling along the tracks that are already present in the Verdansk map. As a helicopter enters the scene from above, you can hear the train blaring its horn as the teaser ends. The video substantiates reporting by VGC (opens in new tab) from last month that says Warzone is getting a loot-filled train (opens in new tab) that loops around the map.

The same report says the giant football stadium from the Warzone map is being opened up for interior play, so expect some major changes with season 5. Speaking of which, the new teaser from Infinity Ward suggests August 5 is the start date for the new season, which makes sense considering season 4 ends on August 4.

This is all exciting on its own, but it’s even more fun when you know the Warzone changes are reportedly intended to ultimately unveil Call of Duty 2020 (opens in new tab), which is rumored to be called Black Ops: Cold War (opens in new tab). Considering the bunkers, nuclear warhead, and ringing phones all fit the Cold War narrative connection, these upcoming map changes are set to bridge the gap between Modern Warfare and the next Call of Duty game.

Find out where we ranked Modern Warfare on our list of the best Call of Duty games (opens in new tab).

About Fox

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