Call of Duty: Warzone Caldera map, release date, and teaser event revealed

Call of Duty: Warzone will get its first all-new map in December, and Activision has revealed the first details about it and when we can learn more.

The official name for the Call of Duty: Warzone new map is Caldera, and it’s an all-new piece of turf to fight over themed after a Pacific island. It’s roughly the same size as Verdansk, but Activision is quick to point out that it was “based on two years of research and listening to the community” for an improved play experience. Caldera will feature more than 200 points of interest scattered across sandy beaches, ruins, forests, and a massive, dormant (for now) volcano towering over it all.

Activision says Caldera was built “on the same tech and engine as Call of Duty: Vanguard,” which will help modernize its visuals while also assuring it’s optimized for cross-play across platforms. The new map will go live when Vanguard Season 1 begins on December 2, and at that point the whole game will officially change its name to Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific – it’s changed a whole lot since it first went live in the Modern Warfare days, so the new title certainly seems well-earned.

Before the new map goes live, you’ll be able to get some sneak previews by playing in the Secrets of the Pacific event starting on November 24. You can find out more about the island by completing special challenges in both Warzone and Call of Duty: Vanguard throughout the event, and then another special event will unfold on November 30 and December 1 as players witness the end of Verdansk.

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