Battlefield 2042 has “no plan” for ranked mode at launch

Battlefield 2042 will launch without a ranked mode, but one could always come later if players want it.

Ripple Effect Studios senior design director Justin Wiebe confirmed the detail in a video interview with Battlefield Nation (opens in new tab) (spotted by MP1st (opens in new tab)). The interviewer noted that players could use the creation tools available in Battlefield Portal to make esports-focused maps and modes, then asked Wiebe if the developers planned to directly support that kind of effort.

“Yeah, so there’s no plan to have any kind of ranked or esport mode at launch,” Wiebe answered. “This is something that obviously we want to hear more about from the community, if that’s something that’s important to the community we’d like to hear about it. And we’ll kind of see what happens after that.”

You’ll be able to use Battlefield Portal to make all kinds of things: a mode pitting a crack team of future soldiers against a legion of World War 2 grunts, new Jeep and helicopter-powered sporting events, or even your own take on what Battlefield: Bad Company 3 would have been if the world was ready for it. While it sounds like there won’t be anything keeping you from creating your own esports-centered experience, DICE doesn’t have any plans to reach out and elevate them – or any of its own efforts – with formal ranked support, at least not at first.

Battlefield games haven’t focused on dedicated competitive modes in the past, so this isn’t unexpected. Even without ranked, EA and DICE seem to have big post-launch plans for Battlefield 2042, with reports hinting at new characters, maps, and more coming to the game via seasonal updates. Before that, you’ll be able to head to load up and roll out in the Battlefield 2042 open beta which is set to go live in September – with early access for folks who have pre-ordered the game.

Battlefield 2042 is set in the near future – bet you can’t guess which year – with a background story of soldiers from failed nations fighting as mercenaries for the few remaining world power. I say “background story” because Battlefield 2042 won’t feature a single-player campaign: just like in the pre-Battlefield 3 days, it’s all about the multiplayer battles.

While you’re waiting, you’ll be able to grab Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 5 free with Prime Gaming in August.

About Fox

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