Race now, take revenge in October with Arkham Knight Tumbler and Catwoman DLC

Batman: Arkham Knight (opens in new tab) DLC keeps rollin’ along – quite literally this time, as a new skin based on the Tumbler (first seen in 2005’s Batman Begins) is now available to download for $1.99 / £1.69 or as part of the $40 / £33 season pass. Downloading the pack will also net you two tracks to test your new ride on, inspired by the Dark Knight trilogy.

Although Arkham Knight’s own version of the Batmobile clearly takes several visual cues from Christopher Nolan’s tankier version, I’d say the differences between the two are substantial enough that it should feel fresh and new to burn rubber with the Tumbler.

If you opt for the season pass, you can also snag DLC that was previously restricted to those who pre-ordered. So if you missed out on playing as Red Hood or Harley Quinn or want to give Bruce some previously-exclusive new duds, now is your chance to experience their mini-prologues or play dress-up with ol’ Bats. These DLC packs are also available separately, though they’ll cost you between $0.99 / £0.79 and $1.99 / £2.49.

Looking ahead, it looks like Catwoman will get her turn in the spotlight come October, when the Catwoman’s Revenge DLC has her take revenge on The Riddler for his mistreatment of her in Arkham Knight. Which reminds me: I should probably finish saving her at some point. Eh, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Those races are hard, man.

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