Xbox debuts “so many games,” a techno song for Game Pass xCloud gaming; 2020 weirdness soldiers on

We made a song called “so many games” to inform everyone that as of today, you can play over 100 games on your Android mobile devices with XGP Ultimate! we also made this song so you can bob your head and say “this is pretty good!”​get the Android app: 15, 2020

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Xbox Game Pass has just debuted a song meant to inform us all that you can now play over 100 games on your Android device with the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate cloud gaming beta. Check it out above, and please know GamesRadar is not responsible for whatever reaction this song elicits. 

The song, titled “so many games,” sounds like something you’d hear from the warm-up to the warm-up DJ at the fourth hardest club to get into in Berlin while you’re completely and painfully sober. No, sorry, it sounds like an Andy Samberg character doing a borderline offensive German accent in a deleted scene from Popstar: Never Stop, Never Stopping. No wait, it’s definitely a long-lost early internet song that was pushed out of the viral spotlight to make way for “Schfifty-Five.” Whatever it is, it’s a certified bop, ja – as much as it pains me to admit that.

As of today, September 15, Xbox Game Pass (opens in new tab) Ultimate subscribers in 22 countries across North America, Europe, and South Korea will be able to use Project xCloud (opens in new tab) to play over 100 titles in the Game Pass library on their Android devices, from Destiny 2 to Gears 5 and more. Going forward, every new Xbox Game Studio title will be available on Project xCloud from day one by way of Game Pass, so I suppose a celebratory song is in order.

I’ve listened to “so many games” on repeat since starting to write this news story, and now I’m yelling at my cats in a horrible German accent. What a Tuesday. 

“Microsoft is going to do very well” in the next console generation, according to TakeTwo CEO.  (opens in new tab)

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