Travis Scott could be designing a PS5 game, according to a new report

Travis Scott has collaborated with PlayStation over the last few months on merchandise and adverts, but it seems like there’s something far bigger in the works between the two.

Speaking to Forbes (opens in new tab) in a huge cover feature, Scott teases that there’s much more to come to come from himself and PlayStation “over the next couple of weeks.” Maintaining an air of mystery, Scott doesn’t let on any more, but a Forbes source with knowledge of the plans reveals that it’s a multiyear deal, which could involve a co-branded console or even a game.

Through this venture, Scott is expected to earn roughly $20 million. So far, we’ve seen an apparel line from the superstar rapper and PlayStation, after Scott narrated several trailers promoting Sony’s new console over the last few months.

When Scott narrated the trailer for the PS5, PlayStation revealed that it was the start of a “strategic creative partnership.” The pair really could be taking this partnership to the next level though, if the Forbes report of a co-branded console and a game designed by Scott are true.

As the Forbes feature highlights though, Scott has become something of a whisperer for corporate America. So far, Scott has collaborated on multiple partnerships with MacDonalds, Nike, and more. Earlier this year in April, you’ll probably remember Fortnite holding a huge event featuring a hundred-foot tall recreation of Scott, putting on a fantastic showcase for players, which topped 12.3 million viewers in just one showing.

If you’re still trying to get hold of one of Sony’s next-gen consoles, you can head over to our PS5 deals guide for a list of retailers with expected stock.

About Fox

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