The Last of Us 2 (opens in new tab) just revealed eight uninterrupted minutes of new gameplay: stealth, swimming, crafting, and… Hotline Miami on PlayStation Vita?
Naughty Dog director Neil Druckmann introduced the new gameplay footage as the grand finale of PlayStation’s latest State of Play broadcast (opens in new tab). It follows Ellie as she picks her way through Seattle, currently occupied by the Washington Liberation Front. They do not much like her being there, but Ellie doesn’t either – she’s only there to find a woman named Nora.
Skip to 16:15 in the video if you just want to head right to the gameplay footage. It starts with Ellie jumping into a pool of water that’s collected on some flooded city streets. She’s being hunted by the WLF though everything stays nice and bloodless until Ellie swims into a building and sneaks up behind an enemy – she’s an enemy now, anyway – who is playing a PlayStation Vita with her headphones in. We don’t get a good look at the screen in the gameplay footage, but that’s definitely Hydrogen by M|O|O|N – one of the freshest beats in Hotline Miami’s incredibly strong soundtrack.
Anyway, Ellie ends up stabbing her in the throat, she chokes to death on her own blood, and things take a turn for the worse. The next few minutes show Ellie sneaking through buildings, crafting up a water bottle suppressor for her pistol and burning a guard and their dog to death with a molotov cocktail. You don’t have to kill any dogs to make it through the story (opens in new tab), but nobody said it would be easy. Ugh.
The video concludes with Ellie getting the drop on Nora, who seems to be completely defenseless. We’ll have to wait until The Last of Us 2 comes out on June 19 to see what happens after that.
We can’t wait to see if The Last of Us 2 earns a spot on our list of the best PS4 games (opens in new tab)