The Nintendo Labo VR version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (opens in new tab) leaves something to be desired, and that something has been perfectly captured by a fan-made first-person mod available via the CEMU emulator.
As YouTuber BSoD Gaming explained in the video above, this mod comes from a team of three: MelonSpeedruns, SilentVerge, and SushiiZ. As you’d expect, it shifts Breath of the Wild’s camera to a first-person perspective. What you might not expect – as I didn’t when I first heard about it – is how good it looks and how intuitively it plays. I’d be happy to treat this mod as a simple Breath of the Wild walking sim, but it’s capable of plenty more than mere sightseeing.
First-person mods for third-person games are usually fairly clunky and awkward in practice, often resulting in your character model clipping in and out of view and your movements being hidden by the more limited perspective. This mod gets around those issues by transitioning back to a third-person camera whenever you do certain things, like locking onto an enemy, climbing onto something, or swimming. This helps preserve the flow of the game, and you can also enable first-person fights if you really want to. It’s even compatible with VR if you want to ratchet up the immersion further.
As PC Gamer (opens in new tab) reports, the CEMU emulator that made this mod possible is available on PC and consoles, but it takes some doing. If you don’t mind more than a little setup, you can find more information on this mod’s official page (opens in new tab).
The Breath of the Wild adaptation is a but thin, but per our Nintendo Labo VR review (opens in new tab), the headset itself adds a new dimension to virtual reality.