Tag Archives: The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian delays

That’s not deja vu you’re feeling – The Last Guardian (opens in new tab) really did get delayed again (opens in new tab). Sony says the third project from the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus devs will only needs a few more weeks of work (six weeks, to be …

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25 upcoming RPGs for 2014 and beyond

The paltry few Updated on 3/27/2014 How hard it is to be an RPG gamer in this day and age? With the rise of over-the-shoulder shooters (as well as the FPS-RPG chimera) that don’t take eons to finish, gamers just don’t seem to have the time to sink into a …

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The Last Guardian is on hiatus, says SCEA boss

UPDATE: Following comments made by Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton (see below), SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has assured fans that the elusive The Last Guardian is still “alive and kicking in terms of development”. In an interview with CVG, the exec added: “If you visit Japan …

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The Last Guardian still under work, news hinted

This time the man behind Ico and Shadow of the Colossus himself has delivered the clockwork reassurance of The Last Guardian’s continued existence. Fumito Ueda said on his personal website (is that the best URL ever or what?) he is still working on the game and fans should “keep an …

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