Square Enix job listing reveals its working on a next-gen, HD action title

Square Enix is ready to create games for next-gen consoles, according to a project listed (opens in new tab) on the First Development Division’s recruitment website. The First Development Division is the branch of Square Enix behind the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake and this year’s Kingdom Hearts 3 (opens in new tab), and has worked on titles for consoles and smartphones. 

The recruitment listing is entirely in Japanese, but a rough translation unveils an upcoming project at the very bottom of the page. Under “new IP title for HD console” is a brief description of what Square Enix’s First Development Division is working on next: “With an international team of creators from all over the world, all of our staff are working together to develop a ‘next-generation action game experience’ that takes a step forward from the existing action game framework.” The listing also references the other games the division has worked on, including the aforementioned Final Fantasy VII Remake, Kingdom Hearts 3, and several titles in the SaGA franchise.

Back in 2013, Square Enix restructured its entire development staff, splitting them up into 11 different divisions that operated independently. That structure will change again in 2020, as Square Enix has announced it will condense the 11 divisions down to just four in order to focus more on managing resources. Recently, Square Enix confirmed that they are focusing intently on the Final Fantasy VII Remake, which is set to drop on March 3, 2020 for PS4. The remake is clearly quite the production, however, as GamesRaqdr+ reported (opens in new tab) back in June that it will be released across multiple discs, the first of which is focusing solely on Midgar.

Just what Square Enix’s First Development Division is working on is a mystery, but it’s clear they’re looking to the next generation of consoles. We do know that they’ll need to produce several discs of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake in the somewhat, so there’s certainly a lot on their plates…

It’s the last Black Friday before the next-gen console explosion, so you should be preparing yourself for the PS4 Black Friday deals (opens in new tab) and the Xbox One X Black Friday deals (opens in new tab).  

About Fox

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