Supernatural (opens in new tab) Season Nine Executive producers Jeremy Carver and Bobby Singer on the King of Hell becoming their Hannibal Lecter
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Spoilers ahoy! All caught up with season eight of Supernatural ? Then you’ll know when we last saw Crowley the repentant King of Hell was Sam and Dean’s prisoner, and that’s still the case in season nine according to showrunner Jeremy Carver:
“We’ll find Crowley essentially behind bars. The boys are dealing with a world they haven’t had to deal with in many seasons. Hell is not Hell without the King of Hell in Hell. The angels are not in Heaven so there is something of a free-for all.”
But he won’t stay locked up forever, says executive producer Bobby Singer:
“We like the idea of Crowley being our Hannibal Lecter, and like Lecter, his goal is to get out. He’s clever and will try everything he can. Eventually, he will but where that happens we don’t know. We kind of like him in the cage. We like that the boys can have these one-on-ones with him. He realises if he has any chance to survive he’s got to have a quid pro quo.”
Read more about Supernatural season nine in the new issue of SFX , on sale Wednesday 18 September, in print and in digital . Why not subscribe to make sure you never miss an issue?
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