Electronic Arts was showcasing its portfolio of E3 2018 games (opens in new tab) at this year’s annual press conference for the publisher, and used the opportunity to express a renewed emphasis on its EA Originals program, which supports independent game studios from around the world to help them bring out their passion projects.
With A Way Out (opens in new tab) and Unravel 2 (opens in new tab) both now out in the fold, the next title on the way is Sea of Solitude, an emotional journey of an indie game from Jo-Mei, a small development studio based out in Berlin, Germany.
Sea of Solitude was first announced back in 2015, but EA picked it up in December of 2016, and it looks like its come a long way since then. Cornelia Geppert, the game’s lead writer and director, took to the stage to explain a little bit more about what you can expect, and brought along some new footage of it all in action. Check out the new trailer below!
Set in a beautifully painted world that looks like a watercolour come to life, you’ll be playing as a young woman named Kay, who’s so lonely that she’s been transformed into something… not human. Your quest is simple: explore the submerged worlds of these strange lands in your small boat, meet new people and cultures, and find out what happened to you and if there’s even a remedy.
From a gameplay perspective, Sea of Solitude is a nautical based adventure game with puzzle elements and a focus on virtual tourism and storytelling. “When humans become lonely, they become monsters,” said Geppert during the showcase. “This at the core of the story of ‘SOS’ [which is apparently the in-house nickname for the game].”
Sea of Solitude will be out sometime next year, though Jo-Mei nor Electronic Arts were ready to give a firm release date. We can hardly complain, though, as Unravel 2 was released during the EA Play 2018 press conference (opens in new tab) itself, so we’ve already got a gorgeous indie to enjoy during those precious E3 down times.
For more E3 2018 news, be sure to head over to our E3 2018 schedule (opens in new tab) to find out exactly when and where you need to be to watch every press conference in the coming days.