PS4 Slim bundles with CoD: Infinite Warfare, Watch Dogs 2, and Uncharted 4 are on the way

Sony’s making its first pitch for holiday buyers with a new set of bundles, packaging games like Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (opens in new tab) with the newly revised slim PS4 hardware (opens in new tab). Let me say up front that none of these deals include a PS4 Pro – looks like we’ll have to wait a bit longer to start picking up package deals on Sony’s 4K-ready console.

You’ll actually have three different options for picking up a new PS4 and Infinite Warfare in one go: first up is a bundle that comes with a 1TB console and a voucher code for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. The upshot to taking a voucher instead of waiting for a physical copy is that you can start playing Modern Warfare Remastered’s single-player campaign on October 5, a month early. That’s also when the bundle will go on sale.

Or you can wait for Infinite Warfare’s release date on November 4 and pick up a 1TB console bundled with the Legacy Edition (which includes Modern Warfare Remastered), or another 1TB bundle with just the base version of the game. These PS4 bundles have only been announced for Europe so far with prices TBA, but I imagine the US will get some similar offerings soon.

If you’d rather get started on PS4 with some open-world hacking shenanigans, you can pick up the 1TB Watch Dogs Bundle starting on November 15 (price also TBA). It includes both the original game and Watch Dogs 2 (opens in new tab). Watch Dogs 2 will have improved visuals on PS4 Pro but, um, you won’t be seeing those, since it comes with the slim ‘n’ standard PS4. Again, this has only been confirmed for Europe at the moment.

Last up is one for the North Americans: a 1TB Uncharted 4 (opens in new tab) bundle for $299.99 going on sale starting on September 15 in the US and Canada. Canadians will also get their very own NHL 17 (opens in new tab) bundle on the same day, and no that isn’t a “Canadians love hockey” joke.

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