Phil Spencer “felt really good” about Xbox Series X after seeing PS5 showcase

Xbox boss Phil Spencer shared his response to Sony and Mark Cerny’s recent PS5 reveal (opens in new tab) in a new interview with IGN (opens in new tab)

“No doubt, I felt really good about how Series X lines up,” he said. “I think Mark and the team did some really good work on the audio processing that they talked about, their SSD technology is impressive, we like that. We saw the work that they did. But we took a holistic view on our platform from CPU to GPU to RAM to throughput, velocity architecture, latency, [backwards compatibility]. It took us years to get to this point … so I definitely have respect for any platform team that’s launching, because it takes a lot of work. 

“But I will say, when we finally saw the public disclosure, I felt even better about the choices that we made on our platform. And I kind of expected that I would. The hardware team that did Xbox One S and Xbox One X, I just have a lot of confidence in them. If I give them the time and the targets to go hit, I believe in their ability to create a great end-to-end program.”  

The great PS5 vs Xbox Series X (opens in new tab) debate is still largely undecided, with many specs and, more crucially, actual games still under wraps. That said, presentation-wise, Microsoft has thus far done a better job of communicating what its next-gen console is and does. Cerny’s presentation was the first proper PS5 (opens in new tab) showcase, and as a consequence of its GDC origins, it was much drier and more technical than the consumer-facing info blasts that Xbox has released in the past few months. So it’s really no surprise that Spencer and Xbox, in general, weren’t exactly shaken by it. 

Here’s everything we know about Xbox Series X (opens in new tab)

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