Prometheus has debuted a handful of new images in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly , featuring the exploratory crew taking their first tentative steps onto the alien planet.
The latest shots show the landing party gathered together in their space-suits, before heading inside the mysterious temple. There’s also another shot of Noomi Rapace looking worried, of which there are now quite a few.
Finally, there’s an image of Rapace dicking around with Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender in an in-costume photoshoot. There’s nothing particularly relevant about it, but it made us chuckle just the same.
The new images arrive just days after it was confirmed that Prometheus would be released in the UK with a 15 certificate and no cuts, suggesting that while the guts and gore might not reach Alien levels of ickiness, it will still be a nerve-shredding ride.
Prometheus opens in the UK on 1 June 2012. The waiting is almost over…