Netflix chief explains why he didnt save Agent Carter

Fans of Agent Carter were disappointed when ABC refused to renew the series for a third reason, but there was still some hope that Netflix would come to the rescue and add another Marvel show to their growing catalogue. Sadly, it doesn’t look like that’s happening any time soon: 

“We’re looking for truly original brands to own”, Netflix chief Ted Sarandos told Entertainment Weekly (opens in new tab), “and in that Marvel space we already have [original comic book shows] – so that was mostly why … [Marvel also has] some output deal complexities, so when you pick it up, being able to pick it up globally is difficult even after it’s cancelled. Some of those output partners still had it on the air, so they would argue its covered by their output [deals]. Unfortunately, it was a business decision more than a creative one”.

This is unfortunate news; Agent Carter was a really enjoyable show that did right by its titular character and endeared us to a few others (especially Jarvis). It’d suck to not see these characters again, so here’s hoping at the very least Peggy Carter pops up in some more Agents of SHIELD flashbacks.

Images: ABC

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