Lonely Mountains: Downhill shakes up Daily Rides with new difficulty modifiers

Lonely Mountains: Downhill is getting a new update that puts challenging twists on Daily Rides. 

If you’re unfamiliar, Daily Rides are Lonely Mountains: Downhill’s way of challenging players to take on a brand new course every day, basically offering a great way of returning for fresh content and challenges every day. Now, as you can see in the trailer just below, a brand new update for the game is putting a great new twist on these challenges by implementing difficulty modifiers.

It looks set to be a great new way to keep players coming back to Lonely Mountains: Downhill (and why the heck wouldn’t you with a game this good?). For example, one new modifier switches up checkpoints, while another grants the player infinite stamina, which can be a seriously dangerous thing when used in large amounts with little regard for your safety.

Alternatively, another difficulty modifier grants the player better control over their bike while it’s airborne, while the Double Bonus modifier does exactly what is says on the tin, granting players double points for their completed races. There’s also Mirrored Mode, which as you can probably imagine, really makes things chaotic for players looking to get the best time possible on the Daily Rides.

Lonely Mountains: Downhill is absolutely fantastic, and we’d highly recommend you checking it out if you’re yet to delve into Megagon’s racing game (and hey, it’s even on Xbox Game Pass). If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a lovely simplistic racing game, that challenges players through shifting perspectives and increasingly difficult courses and tracks through changing environments and more.

The new difficulty modifiers update actually launched yesterday on July 8, and is available right now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Nintendo Switch. The Daily Rides were a great incentive for players to dip back into Megagon’s game in the first place, and the new difficulty modifiers update is just the cherry on the cake.

If you’re after more racing games like Lonely Mountains: Downhill to fill out your racing dreams, you can head over to our full guide on the best racing games for more.

About Fox

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