All great things need even better sequels to cement their legacy: where would A New Hope be without Empire Strikes Back? The same goes for Uncharted 2 blowing the original out of the water. Now, hot on the heels of the two Han Solos having lunch (opens in new tab), we have the Han Solo movie’s (opens in new tab) Lando Calrissian – Donald Glover – sharing a bite to eat with the OG Lando, Billy Dee Williams.
Posted on Twitter, proving that anything you do will be put on social media, you can see the two Landos having lunch together. I could be wrong, but Donald Glover looks like he’s trying hard to hold in tears of joy. Can’t say I blame him.
Sooooooo yesterday a certain Mr. Glover and a certain Billy Dee were lunching at my favorite spot in Los Feliz and UM OMG #LANDO #starwars 23, 2017
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Donald Glover has previously let slip that his first ever toy was Billy Dee Williams’ Lando Calrissian (opens in new tab) so, going by that logic, I’m going to have a meal with Buzz Lightyear one day.
Are the elder actors for Solo and Calrissian passing on the tricks of the trade to their younger versions? If so, listening to the original Lando’s silver tongue might not be the best idea. He’s got previous for betraying his friends.
Image: FX