Horizon Zero Dawn PC updates will be less frequent as Guerrilla shifts to Horizon Forbidden West

It sounds like work on Horizon Forbidden West is picking up, as developer Guerrilla is telling Horizon Zero Dawn PC players to expect less frequent updates going forward.

The PC version of Horizon Zero Dawn arrived in August, about 3 and a half years after the open-world robo-dino game launched on PS4. While it suffered a number of performance problems and other glitches at launch, Guerrilla Games remained vigilant with a steady cadence of updates throughout the rest of the year. Patch 1.10 just went live with “crash fixes and performance improvements” first reported by the player community, but it was also accompanied by word from the studio (opens in new tab) that things will be slowing down from here on out.

“As our team continues development on our upcoming title Horizon Forbidden West, we are shifting to less frequent updates for Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition for PC after this patch,” the studio wrote. “Please note that we will continue to monitor our community spaces as always!”

Most games that aren’t based on an online-connected service get fewer and fewer updates the further they get from coming out, so this isn’t a surprise or anything. It’s good of Guerrilla to give its players a heads up – and as far as reasons for slowing post-launch support on a game go, picking up work on its hotly anticipated sequel is a pretty good one.

That said, we’re still waiting to find out when Horizon Forbidden West is coming beyond this year – and, hopefully, some confirmation that all the new fans on PC won’t have to wait 3 and a half years to play the next one.

Horizon Forbidden West is easily one of our most-anticipated upcoming PS5 games. 

About Fox

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